Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Domestic Violence Why Do Women Stay

It is common knowledge that Ray Rice used his wife as a punching bag in the elevator of an Atlantic City casino. What is truely remarkable is that his fiancà © became his wife after that vicious left hook to the face left her unconscious. Why do women stay with men who beat them unconscious? Domestic violence is a serious and complex plague of society that affects all, but women make up the largest number of victims in most case studies. In the United States alone, 1.5 million women are raped or†¦show more content†¦where the infant will focus its attention on the non-gratifying object and over time develops a huge backlog of neglectful thoughts and resentment (Celani 63). Fairbairn?s reference to an ?object? is referring to the mother or father in charge of taking care of the child at hand. In this quote he comments on the mother because at the time of this theory it was primarily the mother?s responsibility to care for the children. As the child grows, the needs for fulfillment will be displaced from the parent to a future lover (63). This psychological damage can be devastating and the child will eventually have to deal with her internal pain. She will take the depiction of the parent that has hurt her and internalize it, turning that image into an idea that she can treasure and count on as her happy place in times of need (63). The depth of internalization depends on the level of neglect. It is difficult for a child to stay attached to a parent that she fears and hates the most (64). Splitting of the unified ego allows the child to ?protect its hope for love by objects in the future,? similarly to a person with split personalities, only internalized (65). ?The child?s sub ego that relates exclusively to the frus trating and rejecting object was called the anti-libidinal ego,? by Fairbairn, if the child looses her mother in reality a substitute figure is needed, but ifShow MoreRelatedEssay on Domestic Violence: Why Do Women Stay?1308 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is battering? Why do men batter? Why do women stay? These are all questions that I will answer. I will also offer insight into the minds of victims that may help give a better understanding to the devastating cycle that hides behind the doors of many homes today that is known as Domestic Violence. What is battering? Battering is a pattern of behavior that is used to establish power and control over another person. This control can be obtained through many different avenues. 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