Saturday, December 28, 2019

Agriculture and Food Production in the Old Kingdom; the...

I. Introduction Agriculture and food production are quite literally the skills that feed a civilization. Old Kingdom Egypt excelled in this area. Egypts high success in agriculture was due to many things, ranging from a near constant climate, to the Nile and its annual inundations causing the land to be inexhaustible, to Egypts vast amount of other natural resources. This paper will only give a general overview of the more popular resources yielded by agriculture and food production in Old Kingdom Egypt. The Nile is of particular importance, as it was the source of life in Egypt. Egypts crop fields are the product of the fertile kamat soil. Egypts primary concern was on cereal crops thats yields had various functions. Egypts†¦show more content†¦There were three main forms of irrigation techniques used: The first was the building dykes to protect towns and gardens. Gardens were not large scale crops, and were generally in the possession of the upper classes. The flood waters had the potential to destroy these gardens, as well as towns and villages, and so dykes were constructed to divert and block the waters from these lands. Secondly, there was the use of basins and sinking wells. These were used to hold water. Often basins and sinking wells were used to draw water to irrigate small crop fields. One way to gather water from t he basin was to use a shaduf. A shaduf was a well-sweep with a counterpoise. The shaduf was an effective system only for small gardens due to the fact that it could only draw small portions of water at a time. The last type of irrigation technique was the digging of canals and ditches. Generally, this was in order to draw water into the basin and sinking wells. Despite the indications of the use of irrigation, such as the old Nome administrative title of canal digger , most crops were grown and ripened without watering. The irrigation systems in the Old Kingdom also show a level of ‘agricultural technology. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Crucible, THe affects of peer pressure from one to...

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She then figures it is easier to lie than to tell the truth, and once again falls to peer pressure. Mary Warren is not a strong character in the book at all. Whoever she is with and whatever they tell her to do, she does it. Mary is definitely a victim of peer pressure. Giles Corey is anotherShow MoreRelated Why The Crucible Remains Important Today Essay976 Words   |  4 Pages Why ‘The Crucible’ Remains Important Today For a story of any kind to have any relevance or meaning some 50 years after being written and indeed almost 400 years after it was set, it needs to contain themes and ideas that have been uniformly felt and experienced by people from all walks of life as well as continuing to speak to and have meaning to new and changed generations of people. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Key Differences between CSR and CSV-Free-Samples for Students

Question: What is CSR CSV? What are the key differences between CSR and CSV ? Answer: CSR and CVV Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the business approach, which contributes to sustainable development through delivering economic, social and environmental benefits to all the stakeholders. According to Saeidi et al. (2015), the policies and functions of CSR act as self-regulatory mechanism, which facilitate an organization to ensure its active compliance with spirit of law, ethical standards and national and international norms. However, Korschun et al. (2014) opined that CSR activities go just beyond the compliance and regulatory requirements and it furthers the some social good that is beyond the interest of the firms. Moreover, such activities mostly go beyond the interest level of the organization and solely for the development of the society. Doing something for society, stakeholders and consumers not just take business to higher level, but also ensure long term profitable organizational success through competitive gain. Economic development of CSR ensures that organizat ions are profitable enough to provide fair return on investment to all the stakeholders and shareholders. Economic development also ensures that organizations are capable enough to invest in social development. Gupta et al. (2017) pointed out that social development ensures connection of the organizations with the overall development of the society. Moreover, it ensures human rights to employees, social equality, community relation, anticorruption measures, educational development, charity to poor people and many more. Furthermore, Ioannou and Serafeim (2015) opined that environmental development is always concerned with protection of environment from harmful carbon footprint and water footprint for building healthy society. CSR activities ultimately build corporate reputation in the society through increased furthering social good. It also leads to brand differentiation and customer loyalty through contributing its efforts in making world a better place. While considering the example of Vinamilk Corporation, the organization is always engaged with societal development through charity an d educational development. Such CSR activities can established the corporate image of the organization in the market by bring competitive gain over the rivals (Wang et al., 2016). Creating shared value (CSV) is the business concept, where the organizations find the business opportunities for growth and innovation through treating social problems as business objectives. According to Crane et al. (2014), the health of an organization is intrinsically linked with the resilience and health of the society in which it operates. Hence, the purpose of the CSV is to enhance the quality of social life through contribution to a healthier future. Moreover, it is the practice of creating economic growth of an organization in a way that also fosters societal value through addressing the social issues and challenges. On the other hand, Smith (2016) opined that CSV is highly concerned with recognizing and expanding the connection between the societal and economic progress. Shared value is created mostly through three ways like reconceiving products and markets, redefining productivity in the value chain and enabling local cluster development. Reconceiving products and markets is concerned with meeting the unmet needs of the society through products and often addressing the undeserved customers. For example, IBM and Intel are devising the ways for helping utilities harnessing business intelligence for economizing on power usage (Corner Pavlovich, 2016). On the other hand, redefining productivity in the value chain is concerned with changing the practices in value chain for driving productivity through better utilizing of employees, resources and business partners. For example, Walmart has reduced the delivery packaging and improved the deliver logistics, which facilitated it in saving $200M in distribution cost and growing the quantities being shipped (Pavlovich Corner, 2014). Furthermore, enabling local cluster development is all about improving the available supplier base, skills and supporting institutions in the community for boosting productivity, growth and innovation. Key Differences between CSR and CSV Corporate Social Responsibility is only concerned with enhancing the corporate reputation and has limited connection with business. Moreover, organizations mostly invest in CSR strategies for being a good corporate citizen in the society. On the other hand, Creating Shared Value is concerned with driving organizations profitability and competitive advantage through minimizing the social problems. Moreover, it actually leverages the unique expertise and resources of an organizations economic value through creating social value. According to Saeidi et al. (2015), the agenda of CSR is driven by personal preferences and expert reporting of an organization. It is actually linked with demonstrating the good corporate governance, ethical standards and society and environment concern of an organization. On the other hand, Corner and Pavlovich (2016) opined that the agenda of CSV is always business centric and internally generated. It is always intended towards joint value creation for busine ss as well as society. It is a join planning and strategy for fostering organizations economic growth through addressing the social challenges. According to Gupta et al. (2017), CSR is only concerned with compliance of business operations with the community, national and international standards for maintaining business standards. It is concerned with reputation management of an organization. On the other hand, Smith (2016) opined that CSV creates local cluster for strengthening and capturing economic and social benefits at community level. It improves the available skills, supplier base and supporting institution within the community for fostering productivity, innovation and growth. CSR is actually perceived as cost centre and not as profit centre. In contrast, CSV is all about finding business opportunities for creating new market, improving profitability and strengthening competitive positioning. CSR effectiveness is mostly measured through spending of organizations for societal good (Corner Pavlovich, 2016). However, the effectiveness of CSV is measured through creating of social and economic value. CSV mostly finds new and innovative business opportunities, whereas CSV deploy corporate assets for achieving scale and spur investment. For example, Coca Cola Company contributes in educational development of community for gaining good corporate image. It is actually related to corporate social responsibility. However, Coletivoprogram of Coca Cola is intended to equip the young people of Brazil with life and technical skills required for accessing employment (Ioannou Serafeim, 2015). Such employment is actually enhanced the average income of the people within the community, which is directly linked with increases sales potential and profitability of the company. Hence, this activity is actually related to Creating Shared Values through fostering both economic and social value. CSR is concerned with sharing organizations products, talents, expertise and time for furthering social good. On the other hand, CSV secures and reconfigures the value chain through tapping new and better par tners and resources towards improved organizational productivity (Smith, 2016). The intension of shared value is better utilizing the resources and skills of community for fostering both economic and social value. References Corner, P. D., Pavlovich, K. (2016). Shared value through inner knowledge creation.Journal of business ethics,135(3), 543-555. Crane, A., Palazzo, G., Spence, L. J., Matten, D. (2014). Contesting the value of creating shared value.California management review,56(2), 130-153. Gupta, A., Briscoe, F., Hambrick, D. C. (2017). Red, blue, and purple firms: Organizational political ideology and corporate social responsibility.Strategic Management Journal,38(5), 1018-1040. Ioannou, I., Serafeim, G. (2015). The impact of corporate social responsibility on investment recommendations: Analysts' perceptions and shifting institutional logics.Strategic Management Journal,36(7), 1053-1081. Korschun, D., Bhattacharya, C. B., Swain, S. D. (2014). Corporate social responsibility, customer orientation, and the job performance of frontline employees.Journal of Marketing,78(3), 20-37. Pavlovich, K., Corner, P. D. (2014). Conscious enterprise emergence: Shared value creation through expanded conscious awareness.Journal of business ethics,121(3), 341-351. Saeidi, S. P., Sofian, S., Saeidi, P., Saeidi, S. P., Saaeidi, S. A. (2015). How does corporate social responsibility contribute to firm financial performance? The mediating role of competitive advantage, reputation, and customer satisfaction.Journal of Business Research,68(2), 341-350. Smith, N. C. (2016). From Corporate Philanthropy to Creating Shared Value: Big Pharmas New Business Models in Developing Markets.GfK Marketing Intelligence Review,8(1), 30-35. Wang, H., Tong, L., Takeuchi, R., George, G. (2016). Corporate social responsibility: An overview and new research directions thematic issue on corporate social responsibility.Academy of Management Journal,59(2), 534-544.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Marketing Management Plan of La Trobe University

Question: Discuss about theMarketing Management Plan of La Trobe University. Answer: Introduction The report describes the marketing plan that La Trobe University will utilize in order capture a sizeable market. The report begins with the presentation of the situation analysis of the organization followed by the assessment of the customers. Also, it examine the competition prevailing in the market, the marketing strategies that will be used with focus on the 4Ps of marketing and end by giving recommendations and conclusion. Situation Analysis The target organization is La Trobe University. The market under which the organization operates is education industry with focus in research and teaching. The type of product adopted is the Masters of Business management online. The size of the market is approximated to be 50% and the major segment is students of age between 25years to 40 years. Over the years, the organizations growth has been growing steady but the focus was only on other programs not online based (Liu et al., 2016). The major players in the market are Open University, University of Australian and Queensland University. The three universities are ranked among the highest in the university world ranking. The macro environment of the business is Australia. The nation has a stable political and economic system that supports research and training through education. The Customers (Target Market Segments) The customers targeted by La Trope University are learners from various parts of the world and are segmented based on Age and lifestyle. According to (Marak Chaipoopirutana, 2015), segmentation is strategy of indentifying the market sectors through sectioning based on similar attributes. It assists the organization to figure out which market they will target. For the case of La Trope University, the market share that will be targeted get will be based on demographic and life stages. In demographic segmentation, the target will be based on age. Here the market will be segmented such that customers under the age of 25 years to 39 years get grouped as a segment (Rahmani, Emamisaleh Yadegari, 2015). The reason for selecting this age bracket is because majority of learners wish to undertake postgraduate courses fall under the age bracket. Also, it is the mid-point of ones career development and many learners at the age will wish to progress upward in their career. When life stages are taken into consideration then the make will be segmented so as to target customers who are over 40 years (Shibata Kodama, 2015). The reason for selecting this is that at the age of 40 years some people live a different life and any action taken is for fame and familiarization. People over 40 years would wish to undertake postgraduate courses for fame and prestige. They would also want to carry out at their own appropriate time and hence online program will be convenient. The environment of undertaking postgraduate online course is stable since the program has been facilitated by technology and hence any challenges to the customer have been made very minimal (Obasan, Ariyo Hassan, 2015) Competitiveness La Trope University has created their program such that it stand out among the many in the market. The university has created the program that is market related. By this we mean that any employer requiring an employee with hand on skills looks no other place beside La Trope University graduates. In order to make it very competitive, the University has made sure that they have well experienced lecturers with long standing in research particularly in learning institution (Seifbarghy, Nouhi Mahmoudi, 2015). Additionally, the organization has embraced technology and created strong and reliable program that supports online programs. This augments very well with the fact that almost majority of the targeted customers are very well conversant with the use of technology (Kormishkina et al., 2015). However, the organization is cognizant with the fact the there are other competitors in the market. The major competitors are Open University, University of Australia and University of Queensland. In the assessment of these three universities, it is clear that University of Australia is very competitive owing to the reputation that has gained internationally, followed by the University of Queensland. The Open University irrespective of the fact that it started specializing in online programs has not gained a lot of reputation. This leaves room for La Trope University to compete with the giants. Marketing Strategies The organization targets international market with the fact that online programs can now be done with ease and one covers the course content just as anybody in full time study. The market is made on the basis of age and life stages. The reason is that these segments present the greatest opportunity for the organization to venture. Also, these are the people who are conscious of their career objectives. It is with these that the organization will employ differentiated marketing mix. With all variables at stability, the organization thus will venture into a viable niche in the international market. It is because there is large market that is not tapped owing to the reason that the clients (Katsikeas, Leonidou Zeriti, 2016). The Product The organizations product is Masters in Business Management online. As per Jiang, Shang, Liu, May, 2015), a product forms the basis in which the organization get to gain from the effort as well as finances invested. It is the item that has value. In the development of a product, the organization will decide on the market need that is not fulfilled. There is increase in the demand of education globally and the market is large that it cannot be satisfied by the present players who are in the market. As a result of the huge unmet market, the organization will have to design the product with the recognition of the potential employers in the job market. The product must represent the requirements that are needed in the job market. Therefore market oriented program is needed. Also, the organization needs to ensure that the program will be acceptable in the global market. Therefore the program must be accredited with the relevant bodies. According to Kameoka et al., (2015), education in th e current era is becoming universal and thus the means of getting education has been made closer to the people through the use of online platforms. Based on this, the La Trope University must take the role of ensuring that reliable and market oriented postgraduate programs become available at affordable prices. Since the product that will be presented is in intangible, the packaging part will not be necessary. The Brand The organization employs the university brand in branding their products. It is in tandem with the mission and mission. The brand category is under the service sector. The distinctiveness of the brand is the ability to impart practical skills and knowledge to its customers. It is with this that graduates from the university get better placements and good job opportunities in the market. This is attributed to the fact that former students who have graduated and employed display outstanding performance. It is with this that the reputation of the brand has been entrenched to the hearts of the employers. The product brand benefits segments categorized under age (25years 39 years) and life stages (40 years and above) owing to the convenience and flexibility in which the learners can enroll and learn from any part of the globe provided there is accessibility of internet connection (Hoegele, Schmidt Torgler, 2016). Price The price is the value placed on the product in relation to the cost incurred in the manufacturing the product. This dictates the success of the organization in comparison to the competitors in the market. Proper pricing means profitability to the organization. In this strategy of pricing, there are diverse strategies that organizations may adapt. This is based on the competition, the cost of production and the target of profits required in a given period. In the case of La Trobe University, three strategies are suggested within which if the organization adapts increase the customer will base (Goi, 2015). The first strategy is premium pricing. This is the type of strategy where the organization has the discretion to put prices much higher as compared to those of competitors. The advantage of the strategy is that the rate of returns is higher. It is suggested that the organization adopt the strategy at the maturity period of the product. It is at this stage where the product brand have gained reputation and many of the targeted market will be willing and ready to go for the brand (Fill Turnbull, 2016). The next strategy is penetration strategy. This method gets employed when the product is newly introduced in the market. The customers are not conversant with the product brand and takes time to get used to it. The price is set such that they are much lower as compared to that of the contenders in the market. The reason is to gain customer awareness, increase reputation and thus increase customer base (De Keyser, Schepers Konu?, 2015). Also, skimming is another pricing strategy that is proposes to be adopted by the organization. The organization set prices in a manner that other prices are lowered whereas other are increased. It is employed mostly during the decline stage of product life cycle. It is the stage where the product is now not getting clients. The reason for this is that products that still have reputation get to boost product s which have lost reputation and are in the brim of extinction. The method is employed to keep the customer base while other strategies of transforming the product get created (David et al., 2015). Distribution The distribution strategy is a technique of letting the product reach to the customer. The aim is to create easy convenience and accessibility of the product to the client. In business, the client always is given the priority. Since the product relates very much to provision of services, the organization employees direct selling. This is the method where the product is sold to the client directly with no need of intermediaries. The method is best suited for products that are intangible (Brown, 2016). Communication This is the stage where the entire marketing communication gets integrated. The strategy depends solely on the product and the pricing used. The aim of the strategy is the make the product known to the customers and to increase customer base. All other strategies in the marketing mix depend on the product. When the promotional strategy is very effective, then there is likelihood of increasing the product volume, increasing the distribution channels and increasing the price (Boon and Liang, 2015). Based on the La Trobe University, it is suggested that they adopt extensive promotion strategy so that they can reach a wide range of customers. Under this, it is advisable that print media, public relations and online advertising be adopted. The advantage of print media is that it covers wider area and thus large customer base will be reached. Public relations allow direct contact with the client through the use of education days and the organization through all times create good image that get the pubic attracted to buy the products of the organization. The use of online marketing is as well advantageous given the fact that a many targeted segment are well versed with the use of technology (Barrett and Weinstein, 2015). Contingencies It is recommended that the first contingency plans to be included in the plan are continuity plan. In the development and presentation of the program, certain people took part. In many cases, these people might at one point in time change jobs or death. Plans must be such that other people are groomed so as to take charge to avoid discontinuity. Also, asset security must be put in place, since the program is via in line platforms, there is need to secure the product so as the organization have product intellectual rights and hence protected. It is recommended that internet be adopted as a way of distributing the product. This calls for the organization to embrace e-commerce and online marketing. Through this the product is able to reach the customer with ease. Additionally, there is need to have re-organization plans put in place. As a result of the stiff completion, there is need for the organization to plan for challenges that might arise particularly when there are many players in the market. It assists in maintaining the customer base. Control In ensuring that the marketing plan is working as expected, the following three type of marketing metrics get used. The first one is ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend). It is a technique used to measure profits gained through promotion. It assesses the performance of the marketing plan. It gives the best level of the marketing channel and the best target market segment. It is calculated by the formula: ROAS = (Ad revenue/ Cost of ad source). The second control method is ROI (Return on Investment). ROI = (Net Profit / Cost of Investment) x 100. This gives the effectiveness as well as the value of investment as it shows gain or losses. In marketing, the method can be employed to assess the effectiveness of the promotion strategy used. The other method that can be used is the Customer Retention Rate. The technique determines the loyalties of customers to the product brand, whether the organization is getting new clients and retaining old ones. It is given by: Customer Retention Rates = (Customers End Period New Customers for this Period) / Customers at Start of the Period x 100 Ethics and sustainability plays a crucial role to the brand in that the organization need to make sure that ethics of academic integrity get adhered to in delivering the brand. Also sustainability ensures that the organization create a sustainable product that is able to get adapt to changing environments. In the brand, it is advisable that the organization uses expanded marketing mix (8Ps). On top of the 4Ps, the organization must add people, physical evidence, partnerships and process since each of these has a role in the delivery of the product to the intended market. Recommendation La Trope University must take the role of ensuring that reliable and market oriented postgraduate programs become available at affordable prices. Since the product that will be presented is in intangible, the packaging part will not be necessary. The organization will need to use three strategies are suggested within which if the organization adapts will increase the customer base: the premium pricing, penetration strategy and the skimming strategy. It is recommended that internet be adopted as a way of distributing the product. This calls for the organization to embrace e-commerce and online marketing and adopt extensive promotion strategy so that they can reach a wide range of customers. Conclusion The marketing plan if implemented by the University for the Masters in Business Management online will attract many customers to undertake their studies via online flat form as the product brand it is flexible, accessible and one can do the program from any part of the globe. References Barrett, H. and Weinstein, A., 2015. Corporate entrepreneurship, the marketing mix, and business performance. InProceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 144-150). Springer International Publishing. 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